1. What is MindShift Reset?

MindShift Reset is a strategic 21-day + 2 journey designed to reset and reprogram your mind, aligning it with your goals. Through targeted actions, visualizations, and scientifically-proven strategies, your way of thinking will change, enabling you to achieve what you desire without unnecessary effort.


2. Who is this program for?

MindShift Reset is for anyone with an unfulfilled goal who wants to transform their mindset to achieve it. Whether it's about improving your personal life, career, physical well-being, or relationships, this program will help you eliminate mental blocks and create new neural connections for success.


3. What happens during the 21 days?

Each day, you will follow a precise program divided into three moments of the day: morning, afternoon, and evening. You will receive instructions, templates to fill out, and phrases to repeat to clear old mental patterns and install empowering new beliefs. You will not need to take direct action toward your goal during this time—the focus will be on inner transformation, preparing you for change.


4. What happens if I interrupt the program?

It is crucial not to interrupt the program. The reprogramming process requires consistency and discipline, and skipping a day can undo the work you've done so far. That's why the program includes strategies to maintain motivation and ensure you can complete it without difficulties.


5. What happens after the program?

After completing the 21 days + 2, you will have a reset mind aligned with your goal. This means that taking action in the right direction will become much more natural and spontaneous, without force or self-sabotage. From that moment, you will begin to see tangible changes in your life, because your external reality will reflect the internal work you've done.


6. What will change after "MindShift Reset 21"?

The internal change you experience through the MindShift Reset journey will not only transform your mind but also have a direct impact on your external appearance. In particular, your charisma and the way you interact with others will improve significantly. When the mind is aligned with its desires and free from limitations, the body reflects this new energy. Your eyes, the symbol of how you perceive yourself and the world, will become more confident and bright, and your charisma will naturally and authentically express itself, attracting positive attention from others. The internal change will occur deeply, but its effects will be clearly visible on the outside, allowing your true essence to shine.